Collecting User Information for 2LM

There are two routes to getting Second Look 2L offers from the Engine API.

When posting leads, in the productTypes array, you may pass["loan", "other"] if you want your leads to eligible for First Look (1L) offers when eligible, or else Second Look offers (if no 1L offers are received), or ["other"] (to receive 2L offers only).

1L Ineligible Leads

productTypes: ["loan", "other"]

Certain consumers will not be pre-approved or pre-qualified for a loan during their search, and will instead be shown 2L offers (specialOffers in API responses).

See Collecting User Information for required fields

2LM Direct Post

productTypes: ["other"]

If desired, you may post leads directly to Engine's 2L Marketplace (2LM) (often this is desired for faster API response times, if you already know your leads are better matched with 2L than 1L offers.

If you post directly to 2L, you may omit some fields in the request body that are not required by 2L partners. These fields are required for a 2LM direct post:

  • either of providedCreditRating or providedNumericCreditScore

  • either of annualIncome or monthlyNetIncome

  • firstName

  • lastName

  • ssn

  • email

  • primaryPhone

  • address1

  • city

  • state

  • zipcode

  • dateOfBirth

  • loanAmount

  • purpose

  • ipAddress

  • employmentStatus

  • consentsToFcra must be true or else PII is stripped

  • consentsToTcpa must be true or else PII is stripped

Here is an example JSON request body for a 2LM direct post:

 “productTypes”: [
 “personalInformation”: {
   “firstName”: “John”,
   “lastName”: “Doe”,
   “email”: “[email protected]”,
   “city”: “New York”,
   “state”: “NY”,
   “primaryPhone”: “2125556789”,
   “address1": “45 West 21st Street”,
   “address2": “5th Floor”, //optional
   “zipcode”: “10010”,
   “dateOfBirth”: “1993-10-09”,
   “ssn”: “111-22-3333”
 “loanInformation”: {
   “purpose”: “debt_consolidation”,
   “loanAmount”: 10000
 “creditInformation”: {
   “providedCreditRating”: “excellent”
 “financialInformation”: {
   “employmentStatus”: “employed”,
   “annualIncome”: 75000
 “sessionInformation”: {
   “ipAddress”: “”
  “legalInformation”: {
   “consentsToFcra”: true,
   “consentsToTcpa”: true
 // optional, for partner use:
 “clientTags”: {
   “subId”: [

Last updated